Saturday, May 22, 2010

Google PacMan!

I have been playing PacMan on Google! I think it's the best thing Google has ever done! It's SO FUN!!! Don't take my word for it, try it for yourself:


My brother and I are having a "High score war" with the game. My high score was 19,890. Then his was 22,280. So I beat him by making a 22,990! Then he had to go and make me look bad by raking in a whopping 23,810! I'm gonna go kick his ass in PacMan now!

Me: 22,990 losing... (not for looooong!)
Brother: 23,810

Oh yeah, why am I posting and playing PacMan when I am supposed to be wearing my cute new bathing suit and swimming with my bff? She CANCELLED! Her mom didn't tell her that she had to go out of town until last night. So she reluctantly called me to tell me that we can't go swimming until.... next Friday! Oh, well. At least I have a cute bikini!

-Miss Mayhem


Anonymous said...

Wow pac man! I remember my sisters having a pac man war when when I was younger.

Stephanie said...

I know, isn't it awesome. I must have played 8,000x on Friday.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you can play two player you know? if you click insert coin again while its playing, Ms. Pacman shows up and you use the keys "W, A,S and D" like the arrow keys to control her. Just fyi

Miss Mayhem said...

Thanks Fia! Wow, that's really helpful! Now I'm gonna show off to my brother like I'm a genius. JK! I'll still give you credit!

Oddyoddyo13 said...

Hehe, I heard about that! Really ingenious.

Sorry about the swimming, but at least you can beat your brother at pacman!!

Lexi said...

PACMAN PACMAN PACMAN!!!!!!!!! LOL! pity bout the swimming. Lucky that you CAN go swimming, winter is looming over us in (unsunny) South Africa!

manuel said...

You can save your record pacman google on this page

before the google pacman logo go away !!!

Abby. said...

I have been playing it a lot too!
When I first seen it, I was like "Whoa!!! You can actually play it!" Lol.

Tara said...

Awww..that sucks that your friend canceled on you. Maybe next time.

Beat your brother at pac man!! You can do it!