Sunday, June 27, 2010


Most of you know that I had a poll up on my blog for what I should name my new guinea pig. The results are now in!! There were 7 names that got votes so I'm going to announce the "Top 7"!

There was a tie for 1st place with 3 votes and the names are:
Oreo and Chewy!

There was also a tie for 2nd place with a total of 2 votes each and the names are:
Timmy and Harley (Davidson)!

There was a 3 way tie for 3rd place with 1 vote each and these names are:
Pepe (Le pu), Incubus, and Furby!

The rules were I was going to choose between the names that got votes! So I thought about it and I figured out the name I'm going to name my new guinea pig...

Harley Davidson!!! I think it's an adorable name for him and it's so masculine and he's so little. Who knows, maybe he'll grow up to be the strongest guinea pig in the world to match his strong name! If you were 1 of the 2 people to vote for the name Harley, please tell me in my comments so that I can appropriately thank you!

Thanks for voting guys!

-Miss Mayhem


Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

LOL... thats a cute name, perfect for such a cute little guy.

Your blog is looking really nice BTW>

With Love and Blessings,
Bleah Briann

Oddyoddyo13 said...


Harley...I knew a kid named Harley...we all called him Harley Davidson.

Abby. said...

That's a great name! I hope you 2 have some good times together!


Hello Miss Mayhem do you think you could make me a bnlog button??? I hope you will, thnx! cool post by the way, I voted for chewy but Harley Davidson is an AWESOME NAME TOOOOOOO!!!! It is soooo cute!

Lexi said...

I voted for Harley (Davidson) ! I just LOVE that name!! He's SO adorable! I WISH he were mine ;)

ЯANdOM ЯAWR said...

Now that I come to think of it, he actually does look like a biker guinea pig! His fur colour matches his name.

xx Blaize.

Loulou said...

awsome!!! hope you have fun with him over the summer.

Abby. said...

Hey I gave you an award a week ago:)


Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

Hey! If you love me... which I know you do. You'll go to Guin's Blog (because its awesome) at:
and follow her, and tell her I Bleah Briann @ sent you.

Thanks so much!

With Love and Blessings,
Bleah Briann

Stephanie said...

Awww he totally looks like a Harley. Perfect name.

Anonymous said...

You made a good choice...I would have totally voted for that one...My dogs name is Bud(Weiser) I call him Buddy tough...

Anonymous said...

Love your hamster! play vob files