Monday, July 5, 2010

The Busiest I've Ever Been! (also known as, My Reminder Post!)

It's 12:00 AM right now and it's the only time I have to post!! These past two months have been the busiest time of my entire life!!! I can barely breathe!

What's Up?

I have a really bad sunburn on my face (can't complain though, I forgot sunscreen).

Creepy-Stalker-Guy-who-likes-me-in-a-creepy-way is my brothers friend on Facebook.

Butters the guinea pig has the same weird thing that Max had. (*$#% me!)

I realized how much I really love caffeine. And those cherry Icees from Burger King!

Jack still smells like skunk.

I got $20 to watch a neighbor's house for a month. Like I didn't have enough to do already!

My Youngest Sister and My Mom's birthday is on the 17th (yes, they share a b-day!) and I need to make Youngest Sister that fluffy bunny that I was gonna make her. What should I get mom???

So that's the "important" stuff. I was mostly just posting to let all of my followers know that I haven't died! I also saw that I lost a follower and gained a follower! Thanks to the new person who is following me and I will follow you back as soon as I can! To the person who stopped following me; *$%# you! (you know who you are!)

Isn't it good to know that I'm still alive and blogging? :P

-Miss Mayhem


Anonymous said...

Very good to know :) I was worried! It's unusual for you to go a whole week without blogging!


Glad to hear from you, I missed your blogging=) dO You think you could make me a blog button?????

XxLadyBugxX said...

good to hear you back! Personally I would love to be busy, summer bordom is taking over!:O:P:O:P


Loulou said...

I feel the pain for your dog... It was the same with my first one... but it goes away!

Abby. said...

Wow. Summer is always so relaxing for me. Feb/March were so busy for me with cheerleading & band and everything.

Lexi said...


Been missing your posts! LOL my whole family is in July: Shaka, my dog on the 5th, me on the 7th, my mom and Akira, my other dog, on the 19th and my sister on the 26th! (My dad is in March)

One of my friendz bday is also on the 17th!


Oddyoddyo13 said...

SUCH a relief! I was starting to get worried. LoL

Thanks for the update!! Hope Jack stops smelling soon...I have a dog named Jack and he reeks-naturally though.

Anonymous said...

It is good to know...I had a really bad sunburn too last week...I got it in San Diego while hanging on the beach in the nice cool weather...

Miss Mayhem said...

Addie; Isn't it just? I usually post at least 7 times a week!

BLINGLICIOUs; Of course I can make you a button! You can email me at if you want me to make you a bloggy button!

XxLadyBugxX; You can take some of my busyness if you want!

Loulou; Your dog got skunked too? LOL!! We read online that it goes away after a month or so!

~Abby~; Cheerleading and band? Wow! You do have busy Feb/Marches! Is that how you would say that??

Mizz Ali; And I thought I had it rough! You're going to have to do some serious Summer jobs to earn enough money to buy them presents!

Oddyoddyo13; Haha!! You even funny in comments! Haha!! "I have a dog named Jack and he reeks-naturally though." Love it!

Christiejolu; You got your sunburn in San Diego on the beach, and I got mine in a 5 foot deep pool out in BFE! Lucky!