Friday, July 30, 2010
Do You Believe In Aliens? These Videos CREEEEEEEP ME OUT!!!
There is something that looks kind of like an alien in the window, It's hard to find real-looking alien videos!
Sorry, that's all I could find! If you find any that you think are really scary, send them to me at:
Thank you! NO POP UP VIDEOS PLEASE!!! Those things scare the %#$* out of me!
-Miss Mayhem
Monday, July 19, 2010
Last Saturday was my littlest sister's 8th birthday, and my mom's --th birthday. My mom got more tattoos and we were going to get matching belly button piercings! I was SOOOOOO EXCITED!!! I was hoping to get a pretty dangely one! I had both of my parents permission and my mom was there with me, I also had a copy of my birth certificate and my social security number! What could go wrong? THEY NEEDED A PHOTO ID!!! That was the only thing I didn't have! Why the hell would they need a photo ID if my mom was there!?! I WAS SO *&%%$# OFF!! So mom ended up having to get her's without ME! My mom is going to take me to get a photo ID Thursday and if that isn't enough, I can get my permit to drive next month.... stupid laws. >:(
Speaking of getting my permit next month! I have exactly 29 days to test for my permit!!! Yay! The countdown starts now... :D
And I apologize if you have to wait a few days to get a response when you send me an email for a blog button! But I do promise I will get back to you on that! And I have much more time now so I will be checking that email more frequently. Thanks for you patience!
Check out my About Me and other things I have updated on my sidebar!
-Miss Mayhem
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Quick post!!! I Love You Award
I finally finished my 7 going on 8 year old sister's birthday present! She shares a birthday with my mom and it's this Saturday. Wish them a happy birthday! I'll take pictures of they're birthday for you guys. :)
I was graciously given one of the prettiest awards ever, by Christiejolu! Thank you so much for giving me this award! It means so much!
The best part about this award is... that there are no rules!!! So I am giving this award to those who I love! Wait.....but I love all of my followers... so I am giving this to EVERYONE!!! So if you follow my blog, and are reading this, you have no choice but to accept this award from me!
I love all of you!
-Miss Mayhem
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Most Awesome Graphic Awards!
This is where YOU, decide!
Here are the nominees for Cutest graphic!
And here are the nominees for Best Dancer Graphic!
And here are the nominees for Flashiest Graphic!
And these are the nominees for Funniest Graphic!
5: (I know I already put him in the dancing category, but this little guy makes you laugh too, right?)
So I''m putting up the polls on my sidebar so you can properly vote, and please do!
The graphics that win in their categories, will then later try to win Most Awesome Graphic!!! So make sure you vote!
I would also appreciate it if you sent me your favorite graphic (one that I haven't seen before please! And by that I mean one that isn't on my blog. :) ) to Thanks!
-Miss Mayhem
Friday, July 9, 2010
Egg? O_O
This morning I was transferring bags of stuff to donate from our backyard to our front porch and passed a tiny white thing on the ground. When I was on my way back I stopped to pick it up and it looked egg? The first thing that I thought was a mint, but I looked closer and noticed little brown specks and spots. I searched for more on the ground, but I didn't find any. I was hoping that if it was an egg it would be a snake egg, but then I did a little digging online and it resembles a garden lizard egg more then a snake egg. What could it be?
My know-it-all father (I'm not kidding. He has an answer to everything I ask him! And don't ask him...) isn't home right now, otherwise I would ask him what it was. I just hope it hatches one of these days! Does anybody have an input?
-Miss Mayhem
Monday, July 5, 2010
Girl: Do I ever cross your mind?
Boy: No.
Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: Not really.
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No.
Girl: Would you cry if I left?
Boy: No.
Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No.
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No.
Girl: Choose—me or your life.
Boy: My life.
The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says…
"The reason you never cross my mind is because you’re always on my mind.
The reason why I don’t like you is because I love you.
The reason I don’t want you is because I need you.
The reason I wouldn’t cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
The reason I wouldn’t live for you is because I would die for you.
The reason why I’m not willing to do you anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life!"
-Miss Mayhem
The Busiest I've Ever Been! (also known as, My Reminder Post!)
What's Up?
I have a really bad sunburn on my face (can't complain though, I forgot sunscreen).
Creepy-Stalker-Guy-who-likes-me-in-a-creepy-way is my brothers friend on Facebook.
Butters the guinea pig has the same weird thing that Max had. (*$#% me!)
I realized how much I really love caffeine. And those cherry Icees from Burger King!
Jack still smells like skunk.
I got $20 to watch a neighbor's house for a month. Like I didn't have enough to do already!
My Youngest Sister and My Mom's birthday is on the 17th (yes, they share a b-day!) and I need to make Youngest Sister that fluffy bunny that I was gonna make her. What should I get mom???
So that's the "important" stuff. I was mostly just posting to let all of my followers know that I haven't died! I also saw that I lost a follower and gained a follower! Thanks to the new person who is following me and I will follow you back as soon as I can! To the person who stopped following me; *$%# you! (you know who you are!)
Isn't it good to know that I'm still alive and blogging? :P
-Miss Mayhem