Friday, July 9, 2010

Egg? O_O

This morning I was transferring bags of stuff to donate from our backyard to our front porch and passed a tiny white thing on the ground. When I was on my way back I stopped to pick it up and it looked egg? The first thing that I thought was a mint, but I looked closer and noticed little brown specks and spots. I searched for more on the ground, but I didn't find any. I was hoping that if it was an egg it would be a snake egg, but then I did a little digging online and it resembles a garden lizard egg more then a snake egg. What could it be?

My know-it-all father (I'm not kidding. He has an answer to everything I ask him! And don't ask him...) isn't home right now, otherwise I would ask him what it was. I just hope it hatches one of these days! Does anybody have an input?

-Miss Mayhem


Oddyoddyo13 said...

Um, I would've guessed mint too. LoL

Miss Mayhem said...

Yeah, I'm glad I didn't eat it!

Lexi said...

I honestly don't know........

Lexi said...

I honestly don't know........

Alice in Wonderland said...

I think snake eggs are laid lots together, but I'm not too sure about the other reptiles, I think that they lay lots together too.
I'm just pleased that you didn't eat it!

Big hugs!
Have a great week-end!

Gabrielle said...

Hmm, I think if its a bird's egg, if the mama bird isn't sitting on it keeping it warm, it won't hatch. If its a reptiles egg.... I have no idea. My dad found an entire bird's nest in his sail boat a few years ago. The mother wasn't there and the eggs never hatched. Sooooo, i don't know!

Glad you didn't just pop it in your mouth, yikes!

<3 <3

Miss Mayhem said...

I know! Of course I would never eat a mint I found in the dirt anyway...

Loulou said...

Good thing you have the reflex to not eat stuff from the ground!!! My dad would probably have eaten it!!! no joke!

Helen said...

OMG So cool!!!! I wonder if you could let it grow and keep it warm... and then see what hatches!

Sarah said...

wow what a cool thing to find